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We for you

Conradia Medical Prevention

handelsblatt Conradia medical prevention
Conradia rainbow

A new dimension of medical health check-ups!

Welcome to Conradia Medical Prevention, your partner for preventive medicine and health check-ups in Hamburg and Munich. Find out here about our comprehensive range of services, which combines our expertise in internal medicine with the possibilities offered by the latest imaging diagnostics for prevention and early detection and guarantees you the highest medical standard.

You too can benefit from the full range of our medical check-ups, allowing you to identify and treat your personal health risks and conditions at an early stage — often long before you first become aware of any symptoms. A high-powered lifestyle, stress or a family history of certain conditions could mean that your health is in jeopardy, with a predisposition to one of the so-called silent killers, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or cancer. Our check-up programme reliably uncovers such risks, which otherwise may go undetected for too long.Armed with this knowledge, we support you in implementing positive changes in your personal everyday life.

Our experts and our highly motivated support staff give you their undivided attention and expertise and work together as an interdisciplinary team, always equipped with the most up-to-date diagnostic tools.

Find us at these locations






düsseldorf medical prevention

Our Check-up Programmes

Premium Check-up

Complete internal check-up focussing on the early detection of specific risks and diseases with a detailed discussion of the results, advice on lifestyle optimisation and a comprehensive report of findings.

Premium Image Check-up

Premium Check-up with an additional whole-body  MRI as an ideal search test for pathological changes in the body that cannot be detected or excluded using other examination methods.

Premium Image Plus Check-up

Premium Image Check-up plus further imaging techniques selected according to your individual risk profile or, where indicated, the targeted clarification of existing complaints, which are included in the overall assessment and consultation.

Handelsblatt Award

  • Handelsblatt (the largest business and financial newspaper in the German language) has awarded Conradia MedicalPrevention a top place among the Check-up centers in Germany in 2019 as part of their Ranking “Germany´s best service provider” in healthcare.
  • Our Check-up center in Hamburg was honored as NUMBER ONE Check-up Center in Germany.

Focus Money Award 2022 “Highest Recommendation”

In a study “Customer’s Favourite” by Focus-Money Conradia Medical Prevention was awarded the rating “Highest recommendation” in the category „Check-Up Centers in Germany 2022“. The survey and the results were published in Focus-Money (issue 26/2022).

Study details: Focus-Money is one of the best-known and most widely covered business titles in Germany. In this year’s study “Recommended by customers”, 1,355 providers from 81 industries were put to the test. 
Customers could indicate from a list of providers whether they actually recommended the provider in their social environment (private, professional, etc.).

Results: Suppliers are allocated to sectors on the basis of purchasing segments. Conradia Medical Prevention received the award “Highest Recommendation” for the best recommendation rate in the sector “Check-up Centres in Germany”.
A detailed report on the study and the award winners can befound here.


Unser interdisziplinäres Expertenteam vereint Spezialisten mit internationalem medizinischen Renommee und langjähriger praktischer Erfahrung in der Präventions- und Check-up-Medizin sowie der Radiologie, entwickelt unser Leistungsspektrum kontinuierlich weiter und verantwortet den Transfer von neuen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und Methoden zwischen den Standorten.